pikids Case Study
I developed the initial site map and wireframes for Phoenix International's new website. With over 800 book titles falling into various brands, book formats, age groups, and other possible categories, I helped establish a hierarchy of information and the overall flow of the site. Below is a site map that broke out the products by character, age, and book format.
pikids Site Map
The homepage wireframe shows how navigational content could be organized in a mega menu. It also provided some ideas for content to encourage sales including featured products and upcoming movie trailers for films that we published against.
Homepage Wireframe
The next two wireframes established a user flow following the first click on a navigational element in the menu. In the examples below, the user has selected "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" under the Disney brand. The first screen would be a listing of all the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse books available. A left-hand side menu contains filterable categories for a more refined search experience.
Interior Product Listing Page Wireframe
After selecting a product, the user would be taken to the product detail page shown in the example below. Since e-commerce was not supported by the company, the site only provided links to retailers that stock the product.
Interior Product Detail Page Wireframe